The Devil's Corner
Welcome to The Devil's Corner! Open Mind has retained the services of the original Devil's Advocate. (His hourly rates are hell, but worth it.) His burning questions about AI in journalism mirror those we hear from the public, just with more brimstone. Think of this as our supernatural FAQ, where the Open Mind team face our demons head on, and where no question is to hot too handle:

Tor (CEO): The news industry has cut its workforce by more than half in the past 25 years, so I understand your concern. This might seem like an opportunity to continue that trend. But that’s not what we’re seeing, and here’s why: These massive editorial layoffs weren’t driven by productivity improvements, but because the industry lost two-thirds of its revenue during the same period.
The rise of the internet disrupted traditional business models, slashing both subscription and ad revenues. With people’s attention increasingly divided among various media and entertainment options, news organizations simply didn’t have the money to maintain their previous staffing levels.
The journalists and editors who remain in the industry today are struggling under the weight of ever-increasing productivity demands – a response to reduced revenue and constant budget pressure. Many are disillusioned by the reality of modern newsrooms, which often feels far from what drew them to journalism in the first place.
The world needs keen-eyed journalists more than ever, and to ensure this we need tools that enhance the work journalists do, not replace them. We need meaningful productivity improvements that allow quality to flourish rather than forcing compromises. Tools that give journalists more time to interview sources, investigate stories, and hold power to account.
Increased productivity is our best defense against the rising tide of content that entertains but doesn’t inform – or worse. It’s how we keep editorial institutions strong and relevant.
Our AI handles the time-consuming tasks like data processing, background research, and initial drafts – freeing up journalists to do what only humans can do: conduct meaningful interviews, build relationships, and uncover stories that matter. Technology should amplify human journalism, not replace it.